Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Mars One project by NASA which aims to colonize Mars beginning in 2022 has reportedly revealed that more than 1, 00,000 people are eager to join the project in a bid to visit the red planet but do not want to come back.

A few years ago,
I went to a halloween party dressed as science.
on the walk there we met others,
who were dressed as other things.
one girl
who I didn't know
was dressed as a nun
she was fairly drunk and kept falling behind the group
I was tipsy and eager to get there to dance and drink more
so I was ahead of the crowd.

"Come on you drunk nun!" I yelled back
I had on a helmet wrapped in foil
with an antennae sticking out the top
and shiny scientific instruments hanging off my jumpsuit,
so I was in a good mood.

"shut up science!" she slurred and laughed.
Someone made a joke about science being ahead of religion
I slowed my pace and
took a piss in the alley while the nun caught up.

By one a.m. I realised I had been a bit too eager,
my foil had unravelled and my antennae had fallen off.
I sat slouched in the couch, squinting to see,
all I could make out was the nun,
spinning, dancing, twirling around the dance floor.
All the cowboys, witches, zombies, unicorns
and vampires danced in circles around her hypnotic energy,
with their arms raised up toward the disco ball.

In my head I made a joke,
at my expense,
I don't remember what it was.
I groaned to myself as I passed out with my helmet on.

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